The Blog

UK & Ireland

During June/July 2011, CologneOFF 2011 has it geographic focus directed on videoart from UK & Ireland, consisting of the solo featuring the artists couple Marianna & Daniel O’Reilly and a selection of works by UK and Irish artists

Marianna & Daniel O’Reilly

Delivery, 8:00, 2008
Capital, 8:00, 2008
Blackmail, 15, 2009
Blue is the Band, 7:00, 2008
Royal Male or Coppola’s Spyglass, 11:00 (2009)
Longbridge, 15, 2009

Enter the feature on VAD – Video Art Database

curated selection of UK & Irish artists
by Agricola de Cologne

Occasionally Unusual
previously presented on
CologneOFF 2011 Arad at Arad Art Museum (Romania)
31 March – 2 April 2011

Laura Brocken (UK) – TELL, 2008, 2mins 35secs
Sam Holden – (UK) “70 Still Frames & 5 Minutes 50 Seconds of Video” , 2007, 5:50
Robin Kiteley (UK)- “Test Phantom”, 2007, 5:03
Cynthia Whelan (UK) – Selfportrait, 3:27, 2005
Anna FC Smith (UK)- Which Came First? (Chicken and Egg), 2009, 2:08
Fintan Ryan (Ireland) – Press Conference; 03/03/2010, 2010, 10:28
Michael Fortune (Ireland) – “Reigning Cats and Dogs”, 2007, 15:00
Lee Welch (Ireland)- Again & Again (1:00) 2003
Niamh Heery (Ireland) – Losing the Light, 2009, 5.39

Enter the feature in VAD – Video Art Database