The Blog

Rademacher, Nicole

Terrort Videos by Error Video (Chile)

Videoart from Chile
“Right Now”
curated by Nicole Rademacher

Presented on 19 March 2011 at Kharkiv City Art Gallery (Ukraine.

CologneOFF 2011 UKRAINE
14-20 March 2011 – Kiev-Kharkiv

Selected artists:


Esteban Cabezas & Joaquín Fernández

ERRORvideos 2 / 2009 / 1.54 min /
Producer, Director y Editor: Esteban Cabezas
Producer, Camera y Post-Production Imagery: Joaquin Fernandez
Producer y Collaborator: Francisco Schultz
Music: Alvaro Ortega
Actors: Pedro Campos, Viviana Herrera, Felix Venegas.
Synopsis: Autocrat and tautological analysis. Logical and lucid clinical hypothesis, unique and ironic.

Rafael Guendelman

Title: Las Palomas
Credits: Animation: Rafael Guendelman – Sound: Rafael Guendelman – Javier Gross
Synopsis: Las Palomas (The Pigeons) is a playful study, using overlapping handmade drawings, to reveal discreet interactions of bird behavior.

Pigeons interacting in Santiago, they movements and the strange appearence of a wird pigeon. Handmade drawing.

Francisco Schultz, Rodrigo Dueñas

title: download error
year: 2009
duration 01,35
credits: TERROR

Exploring the digital as a meta-language, Download Error is created from the web. Videos downloaded from the Internet, corrupted images, original movie “Phallus” of Tinto Brass, are all the basis for a digital remixing and composition of a new video which is only broadcast through the same medium. Reproduction of this new material seems to be wrong, but it is the original the digital error which is multiplied, thus creating a loop of download errors.

Constanza Gazmuri

Title of work: En tránsito.
Duration: 4 min 32 seg .
Year: 2009
Credits: director, editor, music, and produced by: Constanza Gazmuri.

The video “In transit” reflects the distance traveled from point A located in Santiago, the capital of Chile, to a point B located in a peripheral area to the previous point. The video is constructed by overlapping layers of directly related photographs and audio. The photographic technique used generates a divine and ghostly ephemeral landscape atmosphere that at times resembles a painting. A video that invites the perception of landscape from subtle traffic to continuous image

Macarena Molina

Title: Dollar
2009, 1:00, Macarena Molina.
Dollar is the second version of a similar work of 2007, dollar.gif which displays counting money without beginning or end, of a stack of twenty dollar bills; portraying both the accumulation of goods and the endless cycle of present consumption in the capitalist model. Although the artist’s owns currency exchange and she lives in New York, for this work she requested help from the manager of the exchange house Afex, Santiago de Chile, Mr. Hugo Rodriguez, who counted the bills. This video is also part of the collective video of Paper Tiger TV, Tiger Reads Paper: U.S. Department of Defense Contracts, (2010).

Bernardita Bennett

Title: La hora del te
1 minute, 31 seconds

“la hora del te” shows a set up scene were the artist and her grandmother sit to have some “tea”. This is a Chilean tradition also called “la hora de la once” to eat after lunch and before dinner. In this animation, objects such as plates and cakes take life, so that inanimated things start living thanks to stop motion. Also human movements look strange, as if an external force has possessed them. So we can see an artificial situation.

Luis Hermosilla

Title of work/year/duration/credits/short synopsis (max 300 words in English):
Robbery Without Violence /2010 /4m04s /
This audiovisual piece presents an urban situation, where the contact between unknown people is possible and frequent.
Robo sin violencia (Robbery Without Violence) starts with a real situation such as: “ I spilt my glass of water on my cell phone” and ends with a more mundane one as committing robbery. However, the real intention of this piece is to show a chain of persecutions and thirds eye, which starts with a biker locking and protecting his bike / treasure. Next, a second character appears – an unknown one- who watches and follows the first character and his treasure. On the other hand, this second character is also being watched and followed by a security camera, which documents the crime.
Finally, I present this piece as omnipresent footage. Moreover, the fact that places and situations are identifiable makes a more involved spectator.

Francisco Schultz

title: de potestate maleficarum
year: 2010
duration: 03, 43
credits: Music bongo bongo / camera y editor: Francisco Schultz

De potestate Maleficarum is a song by Chilean duo Bongo Bongo. The letter corresponds to a Latin medieval text that describes a possible demonic spell. With this pretext, Francis Schultz performs work using footage recorded during a trip to the Chilean Patagonia. The context, the loneliness of the plains, wind, starring sheep, a dog, foster a certain ominous atmosphere, especially considering its deimension of the disturbingly familiar. and There is nothing perverse about a flock of sheep, of course, but to Schultz’s eyes the more peaceful and breathtaking landscapes become a place for sinister contemplation. You may see references to Friedrich’s German Romanticism, but the austerity of Tierra del Fuego makes this work a contemporary vignette of loneliness than a German obsession with death. Thus, instead of the romantic landscape treatment, Schultz creates a infectious quarantine from which we are never able to escape and in which there is no death. Landscape as limbo.