The Blog

Ilyushkina, Vika

Russian videoart
Curator Vika Ilyushkina. (CYLAND Media Lab St.Petersburg)

Total duration 30 min.02

Selected videos

1.Julia Zastava

Title:Son of king. 2008. 04.29

Music – ALOG
The film is about boundary state of dream. This animation was made from my photos of Orlov’s palace. He was one of the favorites of Catherine the Great. Orlov’s palace was one of the biggest in Moscow’s suburbs. After the Russian Revolution in 1917 it was harried and then abandoned, just like almost all of other palaces in Russia. Now, it is nearly a ruin, still very majestic, and I find it tremendously mystic. It is like a fantastic fainting of XVIII century.

2. Nikolay Kurbatsky.

Title: Little black
2008. 1.51

Video and sound by Nikolay Kurbatsky
Text by Jean-Paul Sartre
Reading by Irina Erisanova

This video is based on the short text excerpt from the novel “Sickness” by French writer and philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre. The novel depicts occasional meeting of man and woman on the street, but in video I tried to explore and to show constant bizarre conflict of relationships in everyday life. Violence, racial problems, disturbing misunderstanding between men and women and between people in general.

3. Olga Jitlina

Title: I want to live through your death.2009.5.44

My video is a reenactment of my Mom’s suicide, 10 years after her death. I woke up very early in the morning of March 23rd, 2009 and went with the camera from my bed to the balcony where my Mom threw herself out. I tried to look trough her eyes and capture the last things she saw in her life. Telling this personal and in the same time, typical story of the middle aged people in 90’s in Russia, I don’t want to provoke a sense of pity or frustration, but rather to share my experience of living through the trauma of loss and saying that it is hard but possible.

4. Anton Hlabov

Title: Storage.2009.2.20

We live in the world, where the amount of processors and microchips, produced each year, contains a number of transistors that is one hundred times higher than population of ants of our planet. Density of the artificial system in different communication devices and instruments, surrounding us everywhere allows us to consider operations and processes, occurring inside them as a certain micro space, where our everyday actions, such as e-mail checking or sending SMS, reflected by multiple events and metamorphoses. The plot of the video develops from rhythmically pulsating sound of a dial-up modem, which reminds a work of a life support system. We gradually see a materialization of those pulses, which link scattered moments of time, stretched over a line, connecting abonents to the unknown device, where all the actions go on.

5. Andrey Ustinov

Tirtle: EXPULSION from the Paradise, 2003 2.01

This is a video-documentation of an action, which took place on May 1st, 2002 in St. Petersburg, McDonald’s restaurant. This action is a radical expropriation of all goods, which turned into capital by our civilization. The action was directed as a re-make of a biblical plot. Artists, like Adam and Eve, are walking in “gardens” of McDonald’s and “taste” its fruits, collecting meal from the tables of the visitors. The furious visitors have exiled the couple from “Paradise”.
This video was awarded by prize for best video performance
Independent cinema festival TROMANALE, Berlin/Germany 2005.
Was shown at Short film festivals Oberhausen51/Germany 2005

6. Kirill Shuvalov

Title: Vertigo.2003. 01.43

The enigmatic guillotine-object for toy Barbie-dolls, constructed from the garbage bin. It is an allegory on the infinitely revolving wheel of life.

7. Masha Sha .Never ending. 2005.2.12

Endlessly condemned in seeking the real, the true. We are shackled in transitory, gray eternal everydayness.

Born 1982.Chukotka.Lives Petersburg.
Education: 2007- 2009 SUNY Buffalo University, Media Study Department, Fulbright guarantee. 2003 – 2005 Pro Arte Institute, Foundation for Art and Culture, St.-Petersburg, New Media Art Studies Program. 2000 – 2005 St.-Petersburg State University of Art and Culture, Social and Cultural Technologies. 2000 – 2001 St.-Petersburg College of Optics and Mechanics. Photography. Prizes: First Prize «New Generation» young artist, Russian state competition of contemporary art, 2006

8. Yuri Vasiliev

Title: «Mom», video, 2002 0.55
“Either drunk or semi-ill overgrown son dully torments his mother and himself. They are an inseparable pair – man is always with his mother, still snatches her skirt not being able to get on his feet. He cries, calls, and rends her heart. It seems he has been left off, but it’s out of the question, it seems he needs something, but he doesn’t, it seems something hurts him, but nothing does, it seems a danger approaches from the outside, but there is no danger. Pain, danger, fear, loneliness are all inside, everything is groundless, aimless, and it comes from tearfulness, swaddleness and nonage. «Mom, leave me alone, set me free, turn me out to hell, the hell with you, mom! », – rushes like waves of red, waves of blood, not allowing to see anything around himself. “ – Ivan Chechot.

9.Maksim Svishev
Feedback.2009. 5.42 min.

“Feedback” is a story about person’s relationship with itself.Girls film each other on camera. They both look alike. One is a reflection of another. That is to say, each removes itself. Stereotypes and social stamps are making man to behave like a mechanism, deprived of the identity. External and internal noise, flashing images of everyday life, thrown into personal internal space, stray person from the way to the inner self.

10.Veronica Rudyeva-Ryazantseva.

Title: Purification. 2008. 4.30

Winter. An elderly woman cleans the carpet in a traditional way. Her motions look like a ritual dance of magic, coming from the ancient ages.