The Blog

Geographical Focus: Germany

Geographical Focus: Germany
is featured on
CologneOFF 2011 UKRAINE
14-20 March 2011 – Kiev-Kharkiv

details as PDF

Feature of the Month March 2011 –
Johanna Reich – videoartist from Cologne

1. Blast, HD, PAL, 1`00, 2008
2. Kassandra, HD, PAL, 4`00, 2008
3. Black Hole, DV, PAL, 6`00, 2009
4. Front, DV, PAL, 2:18, 2006
5. BlueRed, DV, PAL, 3`00, 2008
6. A State of Crystal, HD Pal, 3’19, 2010,
7..Notes, HD, PAL, 4’25, 2010


videoart from Germany (CologneOFF)

Daniel Lo Iacono (Germany) – Digital Snapshots, (2:30), 2003
Alfred Banze (Germany) – Exotica, 6:34, 2010
Boris Eldagsen (Germany) – The Show Must Go On, 11:28, 2006
Philip Matousek (Germany) – A Beautiful Day, 3:12, 2009
Ebert Brothers (Germany) – “Bluescape” 2006, 2:54
Ascan Breuer (Germany) – The Kurukshetra-Report, 8:00, 2009
