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CologneOFF V

CologneOFF V - Taboo?

Screenings curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

1. MICROWAVE – New Media Arts Festival Hong Kong
Body & Soul 15:15:15 – special inauguration edition
13 November – 11 December 2009

complete program
body & soul – 15:15:15

2. Cologne OFF V – FONLAD edition – two screenings programs
–> FONLAD – Digital Arts Festival Guarda/Portugal
selection I
selection II

3. unCraftivism – Arnolfini Britol/UK
14 November 2009 – 03 January 2010
—> 12 & 13 December 2009

selection I
selection II
selection III

3. CeC – Carnival of e-Creativity – complete program
Sattal/India – 19-21 February 2010

complete program
selection III – One Minute Films