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CologneOFF IV – 4th Cologne International Videoart Festival

CologneOFF IV - Here We Are!

CologneOFF IV - Here We Are!
CologneOFF IV - Here We Are!

was launched first in physical space at Museum of Contemporary Art (MACZUL) Maracaibo/Venezuela in the framework of the annual festival “Salon de Arte Digital” – 2-9 October 2008.

Venues 2009
OK Video festival national Gallery Jakarta/indonesia – 28 Juli – 9 Aug 2009
Videoart Festival Miden Kalamata/Greece – 10-12 July 2009
Image Contre Nature – Experimental Film Festival Marseille/F – 7-11 July 2009
Crosstalk Video Art Festival Budapest/HU – 23-27 June 2009
MUV – Music and Digital Art Festival Florence/Italy – 14-17 June 2009
7th International Film Festival Yerewan 2009 – 17-24 May 2009
Goethe Institute Rabat/Morocco Nuit Blanche 2 April 2009
700IS Reindeer Film Festival/ Iceland- 27-28 March 2009
Videoformes – int. Festival Video & New Media Clermont-Ferrand/F 11-28 March 2009
CeC – Carnival of e-Creativity New Dehli/India -27 Feb – 1 March 2009

Venues 2008
Optica Video Festival & Sala Lai Gijon/Spain – 8-14 November 2008
24h of Nuremberg Film Festival Nuremberg/GE – 7/8 November 2008
8th International Meeting of Intell & Artists Caracas/VE – 13-18 Oct 2008
Museum of Contemporary Art MACZUL Maracaibo/VE – 2-9 October 2008
AZA – Digital Cinema Festival Thessaloniki/GR – 25-28 September 2008
BuSho – Budapest Shortfilm Festival 2008 – 5-7 September 2008

CologneOFF IV consists of three festival components

  • CologneOFF IV OFF – official festival selection
  • CologneOFF IV LAB – extended festival program
    —> (de)materialization LAB
    —> memory LAB
    —> identitymix LAB
    —> (de)(re)socialization LAB
    —> re-performance LAB
    —> re-naturation LAB
  • CologneOFF IV MOTHER – special festival program on the theme “Mother”
  • CologneOFF IV - Here We Are! - Enter
    CologneOFF IV OFF - PDF catalogue