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CologneOFF 2016 India


CologneOFF 2016 India

CologneOFF – Cologne International Festival Network
@ 10th CeC – Carnival of e-Creativity – Shillong/India
26-28 February 2016

Looking for Truth, Peace & Humanity
Curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

PDF catalogue available for download

List of videos (in alphabetical order)

animateCOLOGNE 4 –
4th Cologne Art & Animation Festival

Sandra Araujo (Portugal) – Telephonophobia, 2015, 00:03:08
Paolo Bandinu (Italy) – Meandro Rosso, 2015, 00:03:05
Attila Bende (Romania) – Memento, 2015, 3’52’’
Christin Bolewski (Germany) – The Seventeen Point Plan, 2013, 3:00
Chris Boyd (UK) – [cthorsion scrypt fantomsens], 2015, 5:28
Arjan Brentjes (NL) – Hybris, 2014, 6:21
Genadzi Buto (Belarus) – It, 2015, 8:20
Matthias Beckmann (Germany) – „Double World“, 2011, 8:00
Shahar Davis (Israel) – Transcendental Function, 2015, 5:00
Francesca Fini (Italy) – DADALOOP, 2015, 10:00
Kristina Frank, & Mervi Kekarainen (Sweden) – 2Rabbits, 2015, 09:18
Mark Franz (Germany) – Rocking Mirror, 2014, 2:59
Silvia de Gennaro (Italy) – My name is Franco and I like dark chocolate, 2014, 07:00
Henry Gwiazda (USA) – The Third Thought Movie, 2014, 3:34
Simone Hooymans (Netherlands) – Broken Horizon, 2008, 4:44
Daniel Ivan (Mexico) – Haiku, 2015, 05:05
Ralph Janneck (Germany) – Filmpausen, 2014, 00:03:48
Tal Kantor (Israel) – Under The Small Sun, 2015, 06:15
UrÅ¡a Kastelic (Slovenia) – Homo Sapiens Sapiens, 2015, 1:19
Mauri Lehtonen (Finland) – UFO Trouble, 2015, 1:00
Victor Maria Lima (Hungary) – face-a-book, 2014, 1’00
Hermes Mangialardo (Italy) – ONE DAY IN JULY, 2015, 2’15”
Aaron Oldenburg (USA) – Night in Cachiche, 2015, 1:00
Cristina Pavesi (Italy) – Stability Tests 2, 2015, 02’30”
Shuai-Cheng Pu (Taiwan) – The Sum of Secret- The Snake in Mind, 2015 , 4:54
Owen Roberts (USA) – Mistakes, 2015, 3:22
Sergio Sotomayor (Spain) – Molecular Oneiric, 2014, 5:42
Susanne Wiegner (Germany) – Kaspar Hauser Song, 2014, 3:15
Jakub Zaremba (Australia) – We All Connect in a Different Way, 2012, 1:05
Milan Zulic (Serbia) – The Circle of life, 2015, 5:10

Collective Trauma Film Collections

Wilfried Agricola de Cologne (Germany) – Shatila-Lost Island, 2015, 10:00
Paolo Bandinu Italy) – No Country, 2015, 2: 21
Aline Biasutto (France) – The Sirens Chant, 2013, 11’02
Inês von Bonhorst (Portugal) – “Impetus”, 2013, 7.29
Quentin Bruno & Clé Hunnigan (Belgium)- Lost in the Jungle, 2015, 6:42
RC Campos (Ruy C̩zar Campos Figueiredo)(Brazil) РThrowtogetherness, 2014, 00:03:49
Cristobal Catalan (Spain) – Res Nullius, 2014, 3:46
Zlatko Cosic (Bosnia) – Colorboarding, 2013, 3:40
Manuel Granados (Spain) – Dancing Man, 2015, 1′ 07″
Stephan Groß (Germany) – “Love in the time of the EU”, 2014, 5:57
Farid Hamedi (Rohina) (Iran) – The Smoke and the Dream, 2015, 13:24
Samantha Harvey (UK) – Borderline_, 2015 , 2:46
Beate Hecher/Markus Keim (Austria) – Mare Mediterraneum, 2015, 9:00
Paul Heintz (France) – Nearer to You, 2014, 3:06
Amir Kabir Jabari (Iran) – Domiz Camp, 2015, 3:11
Prapat Jiwarangsan (Thailand) – The Asylum (Dok-Rak), 2015, 9.20
Panagiotis Kalos (Greece) – Gasping for Air, 2015, 1:36
Anni Kaltsidou (Greece) – The Refugees, 2015, 2:48
Fenia Kotsopoulou (Greece) – Borderline, 2015, 3:06
Anna Knappe (Norway) – Three Ways to Escape – Mohajer, I (Amir), 2012, 07:08
Anna Knappe (Norway) – Three Ways to Escape – Mohajer, II (Reza), 2012, 05:57
Anna Knappe (Norway) – Three Ways to Escape – Mohajer, III (Hadi), 2012, 03:41
Mariken Kramer (Norway) – “Patterns of Inclusion”, 2013, 9:36 min
Hermes Mangialardo (Italy) – Frontiers, 2011, 2:40
Miss Muffett aka Lisa Seidenberg (USA) – Flight, 2015, 3:51
Brigitte Neufeldt (Germany) – Paulos, 2015, 45:00
Marc Neys (Belgium) – 35°30″ 35′ N, 12° 36″ 0′ E, 2014, 03:48
Pekka Niskanen (Finland) – Laoufi, in Konnunsuo detention unit, 2015, 10:00
Nelton Pellenz (Brazil) – Atlantic – Atlântico, 2015, 08’08”
William Pe̱a Vega (Colombia) РUnknown Street / Calle Desconocida, 2006, 7min 15 sec
Maciej Piatek (Poland) – Love in the age of the EU / United Kingdom /2014, 2,25
Rrose Present (Spain) – ODE Europe II, 2014 , 03:12
Mauricio Saenz (Mexico) – Flight simulator, 2014, 4:17
Ausin Sainz (Spain) – Land, 2015, 3:52
Ayelet Salter (Israel)- Vermeer in The West Bank
Gabriele Stellbaum (Germany) – Song of Myself, 2015, 1:54 min
George Symeonidis, Artemis Stathakou (Greece) – “Refugee”, 2015, 04:08
Jan Szewczyk (Poland) – Day of Rage, 2011, 02:58
Karin Till (Australia) – Walk The Talk, 2015, 2: 46
Theodoris Trampas (Greece) – Scorched Earth, 2015, 14:53
Ali̩nor Vallet (France) РChronicle of the 6th reach, 2013, 7min
Parya Vatankhah (Iran/France) – Not Read, 2014, 5:14

Never More! Hiroshima- Fukushima
Collective Trauma Film Collections

Sonia Laura Armaniaco (Italy) – ‘It Is in the Air for You and Me’, 2015, 05:16
Maureen Bachaus (Netherlands) – Happiness, 2015, 2:36
Brandon Bauer (USA) – AN602: Tsar Bomba, 2014, 03:21
Jeroen Cluckers (Belgium) – Oneiria, 2014, 3’52”
Mengyu Chen ( USA) – Simulacra, 2013, 2:20
Mark Kadota USA) – “Persistence of Emotion”, 2015, 9:55
Beate Hecher /Marcus Keim (Austria) – Vanishing Point, 2015, 15:57
Kenji Kojima (Japan/USA) – Composition FUKUSHIMA 2011, 2014, 10:00
Maria Korporal (Netherlands) – Underwater Desert, 2015, 2:35
Lin Li (HK/UK) – Shadows, , 2015, 1:19
Paribartana Mohanty (India) – – The Miniaturist, 2015, 12: 44
Jean Gabriel Periot (France) – Nijuman no borei , 2008, 7.30
Lisi Prada (Spain) – Over Red Grass, 2015, 5:00
Filip Gabriel Pudlo (Poland) – Operation Castle, 2013, 4.20, 10:00
Rrose Present (Spain) – “Origen del mundo (Eros/Tanatos) o Hiroshima sin amor”, 2015, 03:30
Ausin Sainz (Spain) – Stress Society, 2015, 02:35
Emilio Ibanez Sanchez/ Lourdes Chesa Carda/ (Spain) – Stagecoach Ufo, 2013, 04:34
Paul Turano (USA) – Fallout, 2013, 4:30
Nico Winz (France) – Irradiated, 2015, 3:03

://selfportrait – a show for Peace a- show for Humanity

Ananthakrishnan B. (India) – My Internal and External World , 2014-2015, 3:00
Sean Burn (UK) – Fragile (from seven short films about madness), 2015, 3 :30
Vince Briffa (Malta) – I am my Photograph, 2005, 4:14
Mladen & Lucie Bundalo (Bosnia) – “Why do you want to marry ?”, 2015, 00:09:53
Dova Cahan (Israel) – My Aunt Mina and Her Son Shmuel Never Came Back from Auschwitz”. 2015, 9.18
Stephen Chen (China/USA) – Ballad 4, 2014, 02:24
Zlatko Cosic (Bosnia) – Colorboarding, 2013, 3:40
Avi Dabach (Israel) – Excavation 3045/2013, 2013, 06:00
Silvana Dunat (Croatia) – Who are you, 2015, 04:29
Carla Della Beffa (Italy) – A Tribute to the People, 2015, 3:00
Abdoul-Ganiou Dermani (Togo) – Tissa oukolo“ ( We are one ), 2015, 1´38´´
Johannes Gérard (Germany) – Naked Selfportrait, 2015, 4:20
Badr El Hammami (Morocco) – Autoportrait, 2012, 3:06
Samantha Harvey (UK) – Borderline_, 2015 , 2:46
Reinald Hoelker (Germany) – Unhide, 2015, 3:37
Christian Immonen (Sweden) – “Pulse”, 2015, 3:36
Pablo Di Iorio (Argentina) – Rummy Loops Pride, 2015, 1:01 min
Amir Kabir Jabbari (Iran) – Kobane 15, 2015, 14:45
Ahmet Kavas (Turkey) – Purification, 2014, 2:22
Shelley Jordon (USA) – Holding My Breath (for peace), , 2015, 1:00
Manasak Khlongchainan (Thailand – Self-Portrait, 2014, 2.11
Ralph Klewitz (CH) – WZ65_Mont2 (2014), 2014, 11:45
Elena Knox (Australia) – Drawn and Quartered, 2010, 3:00
Michael Lasater (USA) – One, Two, 2008, rev. 2012, 09:27
Shahar Marcus (Israel) – The Fathers Have Eaten Sour Grapes, 2012, 4:40
Wrik Mead (Canada) – =, , 2015, 3:27
My Name is Scot (Canada) – Hello Stranger, 2014, 1:00
Neil Ira Needleman (USA) – Two Landscapes, 2015, 03:01
Fran Orallo (Spain) – Secuencias, 2015, 8’35”
Lisi Prada (Spain) – An Eye Around, 2015, 1:00
Isabel Perez del Pulgar (Spain) – Self~imaging for Peace, 2015, 1:45
Alison Carmel Ramer (USA) – “Feeling As I Do”, 2015, 3:02
Humberto Ramirez (USA) – Hate, 2002, 7:18
Tim Riley & Georgia Elizey (UK) – Spiral of Silence, 2015, 3:50
Elisabeth Ross (Mexico) – Biography, 2013, 6’28
Krzysztof Rynkiewicz (Poland) – Selfportrait, 2013, 1:19
Ausin Sainz (Spain) – Passport, 2015, 04:36
Salome MC (Iran/Japan) – Concealment, 2013, 00:01:47
Nouran Sherif & Muhammad Taymour (Egypt) – Home, 2013, 8:13
Shivkumar KV (India) – Work in Progress, Video Performance, 2014, 01:01
TungLin Tsai (China) – Land, 2014, 6’45”
Shahar Tuchner (Israel) – The Thing, 2014, 1:57
Daniel Wechsler (Israel) – Outeretina, 2015, 04:05
Lili White (USA) – Sub Rosa, 2007, 3.53
Vagner Whitehead (Brazil) – Golden Short, 2009, 9:21
WildFilm (Netherlands) – Photo Overpainted with Acrylic Colour, 2015, 4:40
Nico Winz (France) – The International Sunflower Dream, 2015, 03:08
Jana Wisniewski (Austria) – Self – Imaging as a Flag, 2015.14:00
Monika Zywer (Poland) – The Headless Artist, 2015, 1:01

Videoart from Argentina
curated by Festival Internacional de Videoarte Buenos Aires

Melisa Aller (Argentina) – Constitución, 2014, 4′
Julieta Anaut e Ignacio Laxalde (Argentina) – La Mirada Detenida, 2014, 6’40”
Alejandro Borsani (Argentina) – El Origen de las Nubes, 2014, 3’04”
Tomás Frezza (Argentina) – Still Inside, 2013, 2’50”
Carolina Gori (Argentina) – Montaje, 2014, 2’33”
Nora Lestón (Argentina) – Linked, 2013, 2’43”
Luciano Rojas Lucca (Argentina) – Paranoia, 2014, 6’21”
Alejo Maglio (Argentina) – Película + Lava, 2014, 4’18”
Ignacio Masllorens (Argentina) – Japonesita, 2014, 4’45”
Tadeo Muleiro (Argentina) – El Abuelo, 2014, 5’14”
Javier Olivera (Argentina) – El amor es un breve destello, 2014, 5’18”
Paulo Pécora (Argentina) – Vale Barcelona!, 2014, 3’08”
Ignacio Violini Rebollo y Daniela Medina Silva (Argentina) – Nausea, 2015, 4’07”
Celeste Rodríguez (Argentina) – Elástico, 2015, 1′