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CologneOFF 2014 Italy II


2014 – 10 Years Cologne International Videoart Festival

CologneOFF 2014 Italy II

@ Ares – International Film and Media Festival Syracuse/Italy
26-30 December 2014

PDF catalogue for download

CologneOFF X P
Total Art – A Touch Too Much – Alienated Territories
curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

Francesca Fini (Italy)- Touchless, 2014, 4:48
John Graham (Canada) – Sincerus, 2012,
Farid Hamedi (Iran) – Theatre for the Artist, 2014, 1:50
Santiago Parres (EZO) (Spain) – Postscriptum, 2013, 8:28
William Pena (Colombia) – Controll, 2013, 3:45
Shuai Cheng Pu (Taiwan) – Still Here, 2010, 4:50
Deepak Kumar Sharma (India) – Anti Clock Clock, 2013, 6:41
Shahar Marcus (Israel) – Seeds, 2012, 5:03
Matt Gibson (USA) – The Turtle, 2013, 2:00
Giulia Giannola (Italy) – The Lap, 2013, 3:55
Maurizio Sanhueza (Peru) – Did You Smell That, 2014, 2:15
Po-Wei Su (Taiwan)- Plastic Flowers, 2014, 2:56