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CologneOFF 2012 Poland I

CologneOFF 2012

A Virtual Memorial Warsaw 2012

CologneOFF2012 P̦land1 PDF catalogue CologneOFF2012 Poland I Р25-30 Oct 2012 @ Warsaw Jewish Film Festival РA Virtual Memorial Warsaw 2012

CologneOFF 2012 Warsaw
@ Warsaw Jewish Film Festival
25-30 October 2012

SFC- Collections 2012 PDF festival catalogue for download

Cologne Art & Moving Images Awards
SFC -Shoah Film Collection
special selection

list of videos

Agricola de Cologne (Germany) – Memory Game, 2010, 8:00
Bebe Beard (USA) – Capacity, 2009, 6:05 –
Isobel Blank (Italy) – If a spot of human lasts, 2009, 3:57
Paolo Bonfiglio (Italy) – Mortale, 2009, 6:48
Sean Burn (UK) – Turn the Book Around, 2009, 1:42
David R. Burns (USA) – Zikaron, 2010, 1:45
Alicia Felberbaum (UK) – Undressing Room, 2009, 4:30
Grace Graupe Pillard (USA) – Nowhere to Go, 2009, 7:00
Anetta Kapon (USA) – My German Vocabulary, 2007, 2:09
Jay Needham (USA) – This is a Recording, 2009, 4:29
Doris Neidl (Austria) – If this is a Man, 2009, 5:09
Nathania Rubin (USA) – My Girl: A Case Study, 2009, 2:54
Nathania Rubin (USA) – Anne on Hades, 2009, 4:10
Antti Savela (SWE) – Matka, 2009, 3:33
Anders Weberg (SWE) – Mamo, 2008, 2:30
Shelley Jordon (USA) – Anita’s Journey, 2011, 8:28
Theme Bannenberg & Nok Snel (Netherlands) – 1 Minute Silence, 2012, 1:00


Christiano Berti (Italy) – Lety, 2009, 19:40
Felice Hapetzeder (SWE) – Origin On Re-cut Trailer, 2009, 7:02
Tammy Mike Laufer (Israel) – Memory of the Holocaust is not dead!, 2009, 7:05
Dana Levy (Israel) – Time with Franz, 2005, 10:00
Lukas Matejka (Slovakia) – E-A = sEx and wAr, 2009. 3:04
Maja Schweizer (Germany) – Passing Down, Frame One, 2007, 10:30
Rolanda Teicher Yekutiel (Israel) – The Last Numbers, 2006, 20:00
Peter Freund (USA) – Camp, 2011, 7:15
Arne Intveen (Switzerland) – KLC, 2011, 4:58
Jean-Michel Rolland (France) – “It’s forbidden”, 2011, 1:00
Shon Kim (South Korea) – Latent Sorrow, 2006, 3:30

A Virtual Memorial Warsaw 2012
WJFF festival site

A Virtual Memorial Warsaw 2012
Warsaw Palace of Culture – the charme from Stalinist times

A Virtual Memorial Warsaw 2012
Warsaw Palace of Culture – Kinoteka

A Virtual Memorial Warsaw 2012
festival lounge

A Virtual Memorial Warsaw 2012
festival lounge

A Virtual Memorial Warsaw 2012
festival lounge

A Virtual Memorial Warsaw 2012
The festival jury – (from left to right) Andrzej Kostenko, Magda Waligorska, Andrzej Serdiukow, & Wilfried Agricola De Cologne

A Virtual Memorial Warsaw 2012
Andrzej Serdiukow & Wilfried Agricola De Cologne (2 jury members)

A Virtual Memorial Warsaw 2012

A Virtual Memorial Warsaw 2012
Magda Waligorska & Wilfried Agricola de Cologne ( 2 jury members)

A Virtual Memorial Warsaw 2012
Ryszard Ronczewski, main actor of the film “Kaddish for the Friend”

A Virtual Memorial Warsaw 2012
The Jury & the festival director – (from left to right) Magda Waligorska, Daniel Strehlau, Andrzej Serdiukow, Andrzej Kostenko & Wilfried Agricola De Cologne

A Virtual Memorial Warsaw 2012
Winter in Warsaw – View from the hotel room