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CologneOFF 2011 Laos

2nd Vientiane International Film Festival

Until now, this event was as mysterious as the country Laos itself is. But surprise, surprise – CologneOFF received the printed catalogue from 2nd Vientinale – Vientiane International Film Festival – Vieniane/Laos 12-15 May 2011 und it’s good to share this info.

Please download the PDF including the printed pages
CologneOFF2011_PRESS CologneOFF 2011 Laos – 12-15 May 2011 –
listing the videos of the CologneOFF 2011 program – selection from Asia -featuring videos by

Yu Cheng Yu (Taiwan) – Switch, 2008, 3:30
Liu Wei (China) – Is Fighting Our Machine” 2003, 4:10
Nhieu Do (Vietnam) – Testimony”, 2008, 7:12
Yin Ling Chen (Taiwan) – Trace” 2007, 5:36
Lin Fangsuo (China) – White, 2010, 1:00
Sai Hua Kuan (Singapore) – Space Drawing No. 5 – , 2009, 1:02
Yi-Chun Lo (Taiwan) – A Bitty Anomy, 2008, 4:30
Tan Chui Mui (Malaysia) – Hometown, video, 2003, 6:00
Liew Seng Tat (Malaysia) – Reflection?, video, 2004, 2:50