The W:OW Project
is happy to include 2 videos by Ukrainian creators on occasion of the WOW Ukraine presentation series in Kharkiv & Kiev – 10-14 April 2018 –>
National University Kharkiv / Municipal Gallery Kharkiv 10-12 April
National House of Cinema Kiev / Say by Body Art Festival Kiev 13 & 14 April
After the official WOW screening @ National House of Cinema in Kiev, Agricola de Cologne had the opportunity to review some exciting video works by
Kostia Vozniuk, born in Novodnistrovsk, Ukraine. After finishing high school, he moved to Kyiv to study Cinematography at KYIV NATIONAL KARPENKO-KARY UNIVERSITY OF THEATRE, CINEMA and TELEVISION. Worked at several student productions as Cinematographer, Gaffer, 1st AC, Key Grip. Love to do any kind of experimental movies, intrested in stop motion animation, making music and short film sketches.
Some films he shot and directed:”REASON”, “A dream”, “A Tell-Tale Heart” (based on Edgar Allan Poe’s novel), “Lampa”, “Lohi Vosstanut”, “NAZAR”(documentary, work in progress).
Agricola de Cologne selected one video for being included in WOW Ukraine, entitled:
Woman in her own room,2017, 04′ 08”
Young woman trying to make fine art in tight space and sensuality!

The opening of the WOW Kiev event @ National House of Cinema (on 14 April 2018) was offering a big surprise, a video by Lidia Starodubtseva (head of Media Communication Department Kharkiv) dedicated to Agricola de Cologne and his achievements in promoting “art & miving images”. As a document of videoart & its dedication, the video is now included in WOW Ukraine.

This audiovisual performance is the separate part of the film ‘Time is Up’ devoted to the art of acoustics (‘Ars Acustica’). The film is based on the unique audio archives collected by the poet, writer, broadcaster and radio dramatist Igor Pomerantsev over thirty years at Radio Liberty. The film gives new life to the radio archive in a multimedia age. The ‘Radio Anthology of Contemporary Poetry’ by Igor Pomerantsev includes many outstanding Russian poets such as Gennady Aigi, Sergei Averintsev, Joseph Brodsky, Dmitry Prigov, and many others. The audiovisual performance ‘Time is Up’ is the experimental dance mime project of intermediate transition, the experience of sound visualization. Voices of dead poets are presented as a synchresis of sound, music, dancing body, text and sign language.
Lidia Starodubstseva
Film director, producer, radio and TV journalist, media expert, historian of culture and arts, art curator. Head of the Media Communications Department at V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (Ukraine), DPhil (Philosophy), Full Professor. Lidiya Starodubtseva was born in Kharkiv, Ukraine. She studied architecture at Civil Engineering Institute (Kharkiv). Since 2015 she collaborates with the Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty (US, based in Prague), freelance of the program ‘Above the Barriers’. Author and host of the Kharkiv TV programs ‘Tea Ceremony’ on the channel P1 (2005–2006), ‘Art Interrogation’ on the channel ‘Simon’ (2014–2015), and ‘Dialogues with Lidiya Starodubtseva’ on the ‘Channel 7’ (2011–2017). Scriptwriter and producer of the short films ‘Wine kills’ and ‘Days of Fear’. Scriptwriter, director and producer of the film ‘Time is Up’, director and editor of the films ‘Square Ukraine’, ‘Seam’, ‘Amputation’, ‘Holmes and Harms’, short films ‘Prose of Poetry’, ‘Boots’, ‘Physics of Fragile Body’, ‘Meridian Czernowitz’, etc. Author of 6 books and more than 200 publications on culture, arts and visual media theory. Member of the National Unions of Journalists and Artists of Ukraine.
PDF for full credits & information