While 2015, The New Museum of Networked Art, A Virtual Memorial Foundation and JavaMuseum celebrated their 15th anniversary of their foundation in 2000, it is the turn now to NewMediaFest – interventions in new media art which is celebrating its 15th anniversary of its foundation in 2001.
NewMediaFest can be considered as a project platform for artistic interventions in virtual and physical space – created, programmed, directed, curated and coordinated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne – and as such an ongoing new media art project itself.
NewMediaFest has an unusual success story starting 2001 – the first Online Festival – Violence Online Festival – http://violence.newmediafest.org. After 11 September 2001, violence was escalating in all parts on the globe. The idea was born to reflect that via an Internet based artwork – so Agricola de Cologne launched in 2002 the legendary, award winning Violence Online Festival on NewMediaFest. It is really a rare moment that the entire art project is still existing on the net including more than 350 artists. Viewing on the incredible escalation of terror and violence these days worldwide generating persecution and expulsion and more than 60 millions refugees worldwide – the project is as fresh and vivid as these days causing a fundamental loss of humanity.
Consequently, the second project complex was again dedicated to humanity, eg [R][R][F]200X—> XP – Remembering-Repressing-Forgetting – http://rrf200x.newmediafest.org. Classified as a global networking project, this project settled in Agricola de Cologne’s work – his dual system – which is standing for the experimenting in an exchange between virtual and physical space – a successful concept which is in 2016 as valid and fresh as it was in 2004.
RRF is dealing with memory. Diffently than in many other languages, in English “memory” has a very ambiguous meaning – including the human and the technological “memory”. So the global networking project tried to find out how people from different countries, continents, cultures, religions, social and ethnic bakcground deal with all the various facets of “memory”. Starting in 2003 the first project version, the project version released 2004 on occasion of Biennale of Electronic Art in Perth/Australia had that ground breaking effect – consisting of 7 “memory channels” and an “8th info.channel”. Each of these channels was spotlighting another digital artistic medium, including netart (Internet based art), sonic art, videoart. In this way the project was a manifestation of the status of “art and technology” between 2003 until 2007, when the RRF project was finalized.
Soon after its launch, two “memory channels” got a new far reaching relevance, eg. soundLAB – http://soundlab.newmediafest.org – which became the new platform for sonic art projects – until 2010, SoundLAB realized once a year a comprehensive soundart project – created and chief-curated by Agricola de Cologne – incorporating many well known, but also many unknown soundartists alike, but also a variety of curators from all continents. In 2008, Agricola de Cologne curated the physical exhibition “soundOBJECT” @ “Digital Media Valencia” – http://soundobject.newmediafest.org
The 7th SoundLAB edition – soundCELEBRATIONS” was actually considered to be the final sonic art projct, but in 2015 – Agricola de Cologne re-activated SoundLAB, when he released “soundCOLLECTIVE – collective trauma, identity and sonic art” – http://soc.newmediafest.org – dedicated to all victims of violence – on occasion of the 77th return of the Night of Broken Glass (Reichskristallnacht), on 9 November 2015.
In 2007, NewMediaFest realised the first networked festival – NewMediaFest 2007 – http://2007.newmediafest.org – including CologneOFF – Cologne International Videoart Festival, JavaMuseum, VideoChannel, SoundLAB and Cinematheque (streaming media) – in an exchange between virtual and physical space, eg. a common interface online and the presentation in physical space using the interface as a event navigation via Internet connection. Adressed to the online user, as well as the physical exhibition visitor – equalizing virtual and physixal space.
The other extracted “memory channel” was – VideoChannel – http://videochannel.newmediafest.org – which became in sequence the curatorial platform for audio-visual art, as well as the fundament for CologneOFF – Cologne Online Film Festival in 2005.
The name CologneOFF is standing for the shortly afterwards re-named festival to Cologne Internatiopnal Videoart Festival – http://coff.newmediafest.org, as well as the later developing festival network – CologneOFF NET – http://ifp.newmediafest.org – encompassing a network of cooperating festival and cultural institutions, as well as a network of own festivals, eg. animateCOLOGNE – Cologne Art & Animation Festival – http://caaf.newmediafest.org – , 1minuteCOLOGNE – Cologne 1 minute FIlm festival – http://comf.newnmediafest.org – ,exDox – experimental documentary film festival – http://exdox.newmediafest.org.
In 2010, NewMediaFestival 2010 – http://2010.newmediafest.org – was celebrating The 10th anniversary of The Museum of Networked Art and JavaMuseum, as well as the 5th anniversary of CologneOFF. Unique in its kind – the festival was running deuring one entire year – from 1 January until 31 December 2010 – each wekk another program was featuring artwokes of different disciplines primarily online, but simultaneously in exchange with physical space. The festival was the occasion to finalize THe activities aaround JavaMuseum, as well as SoundLAB, which was releasing in 2010 its 7th so0nic art project.
In 2014, CologneOFF – Cologne International Videoart Festival – was celebrating its 10th festival edition, which was the final edition in the festival format practiced until that date. Already in 2010, CologneOFF released the nomadic festival format – CologneOFF XP nomadic – videoart in a global context – http://nomadic.newmediafest.org
Actually planned as individual festivals, these festiavls lost their individual status and were meanwhile transformed to festival categories in the context of – CologneOFF XP nomadic – which is representing the future format of audio-visual activities.
NewMediafest is also hosting the “Interview Collection” – http://interviews.newmediafest.org. Participating artists in SoundLAB, VideoChannel/CologneOFF, JavaMuseum and CTF – Collective Trauma Film Collections – were asked ten questions of an interview starting in 2006. For the first time, the “user” was receiving background information about the creators and their works, intending to install a better communication between the art lover, the artist and the curator.
In 2016, VIP – VideoChannel Interview Project – is celebrating its 10th anniversary (founded in 2006).